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Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK): In all of the project announcements opened by the institution, AOSB companies should be guided correctly, appropriate academician matching within the scope of the projects to be carried out and University-Industry CooperationWe support our companies within the scope of increasing

1505 University-Industry Cooperation Support Program

Capital companies that create added value at the firm level regardless of the sector, resident in Turkey and committed to implement the results of the project in Turkey, and higher education institutions within the scope of the Higher Education Law, foundation universities, training and research hospitals, and public research centers and institutes assigned to conduct R&D in the relevant legislation can apply for a joint project. The Client Organization and the Executing Organization can make a joint application to the program.

1507-SME R&D Startup Support Program 2nd Call for 2021

Within the scope of this call, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) scale organizations will be able to participate in the projects supported by the companies;
- Increasing their competitiveness and export capacity,
- To gain the competence to carry out systematic R&D and innovation projects, either jointly or alone,
- Supporting project-based research, technology development and innovation activities,
- Encouraging R&D qualified and innovation activities,
- Contributing to the establishment and dissemination of R&D and innovation culture,
is aimed. By improving the R&D capacity of SME-scale companies, it is expected to increase localization in the required technology areas, increase technology and product development competence, contribute to economic growth, and ensure the effective use of public resources for country needs and national goals.

1707 SME Support Call for Order-Based R&D Projects

This call aims to transform solution proposals that meet customer requirements into commercializable outputs through R&D by SMEs. R&D projects in which the project output will be commercialized by the client organization and/or the supplier organization; in which R&D activities are carried out by the supplier organization; in which the client organization contributes to the R&D costs of the supplier organization; which can be rapidly turned into products and have a high commercialization potential will be supported. There are no subject and sector limitations in this call. R&D projects with high commercialization potential from all sectors and all technology areas can be supported.


To increase the production of high value-added products in medium-high and high-tech sectors and products that are critical for the development of these sectors. Products for which R&D and/or Production Investment will be supported are announced with a communiqué. End-to-end support is provided for investment projects that meet the objectives of the program, covering all of the R&D, Commercialization, Investment and Production processes deemed necessary and appropriate by the Committee within the scope of the relevant project application.

R&D projects are supported at very high rates by different national and international funds. In order for companies to benefit from these supports, they need to have high quality R&D projects.

Ulusal Sanayi Ar-Ge Projeleri Destekleme Programı kapsamında TÜBİTAK tarafından destekler (%60-75) sağlanmaktadır. Proje Ofisinin ana faaliyet alanını bu desteklerin firmalarımıza kullandırılması konusundaki hizmetler oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda başvurulan kaynak için gerekli olan tüm dosya hazırlığı, raporlama ve sunum faaliyetleri ile başvuru yürütme işlemleri Proje Ofisi uzmanları tarafından firmalar ile iş birliği içerisinde yapılmaktadır.

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