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TEVMOT Projects

"Promoting Energy Efficient Motors in Small and Medium Enterprises in Turkey (TEVMOT)" project developed by the Ministry of Industry and Technology and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).


Ülkemizin toplam net elektrik tüketiminin yaklaşık %35’i, imalat sanayinde çalışan elektrik motorlarınca tüketilmektedir. Türkiye’de sanayide kullanılan yaklaşık 3,8 milyon adet elektrik motorunun verimsiz olduğu tahmin edilmektedir.

Verimsiz olan bu motorların enerji verimli motorlar ile değiştirilmesi halinde yılda yaklaşık 34 milyar kWh elektrik tasarrufu ile ekonomimize 20 milyar TL tasarruf sağlayacak bir verimlilik dönüşümünü başlatmak mümkündür. Ancak burada dikkat edilmesi gereken en kritik nokta, verimli motorların daha yatırım aşamasındayken doğru seçilmesidir. Çünkü; Satın alma maliyeti, ortalama motor ömrü boyunca toplam maliyetin %2’lik kısmına denk gelmektedir. Elektrik motorunun kullanım ömrü boyunca tükettiği elektrik enerjisinin maliyeti ise toplam maliyetin %97’sine tekabül etmektedir.

What are the key elements of the Energy Efficient Electric Motor Replacement Support?

7 Among the SMEs located in the OIZ and deemed eligible for support, SMEs that have registered in the KOSGEB database, applied to the Enterprise Development Support Program and approved by KOSGEB will be supported.

The "Support for the Replacement of Energy Efficient Electric Motors" under KOSGEB's Business Development Support Program entered into force on 2 January 2020.

  • Destek oranı; yerli motorda %75, ithal motorda %60’tır.
  • The upper limit of the support to be provided per enterprise is 80,000 (eighty thousand) Turkish Liras.

The 7 OIZs where Energy Efficient Engine Replacement will start with TEVMOT are Adana Hacı Sabancı OIZ, Ankara Chamber of Industry 1st OIZ, Antalya OIZ, Bursa OIZ, İzmir Kemalpaşa OIZ, Gebze OIZ and Uşak OIZ.

Today, with the increasing need for energy, it has become a necessity to carry out energy efficiency-oriented activities in every sector. Energy efficiency is the most important component of competitiveness, economic and sustainable development. In the fight against climate change, it is essential to invest in efficiency in industrial enterprises to reduce greenhouse gas emissions directly and indirectly by promoting energy efficiency. Approximately 35 percent of total electricity consumption in Turkey is realized in the industrial sector.

Businesses continue to use largely energy inefficient electric motors.

The "Promoting Energy Efficient Motors in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey" (TEVMOT) Project aims to achieve a "market transformation" in Turkey by introducing new and energy efficient motors in SMEs, increasing the demand for energy efficient motors and replacing the old and inefficient electric motors currently in use, and encouraging significant additional investments in energy efficiency. This goal means replacing the alternating current - AC, asynchronous, 3-phase, squirrel cage motors in the rated power range of 7.5 - 375 kW used in the industry with efficient ones, thereby starting and sustaining a transformation that will contribute TL 21 billion* to the Turkish economy.

The TEVMOT Project is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented under the responsibility of the Directorate General for Strategic Research and Productivity (SAVGM) in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology (MoIT) and UNDP Turkey.

To achieve this market transformation, the Project is developing and implementing the following interrelated activities:

  • Strengthening the policy and institutional framework and supporting the smooth implementation of policies;
  • Supporting the capacity building of domestic engine manufacturers and increasing market transparency;
  • Ensuring compliance with legislation through effective market surveillance and inspection, ensuring effective enforcement and strengthening testing procedures;
  • Providing tailored financial solutions to end-users and motor manufacturers to encourage the production and use of energy efficient motors;
  • Raising awareness on the benefits of energy efficient motor technologies and their implementation in Turkish industry.

The TEVMOT Project continues to implement various technical studies and activities to achieve market transformation in electric motors. During the design, implementation and evaluation phases of these activities, the Ministry's experts, the Project's technical experts, Project partners and a wide range of national and international stakeholders are making significant contributions.

As of 02 January 2020, the pilot motor replacement program and field activities in SMEs officially started in the Organized Industrial Zones identified as pilot with the "Energy Efficient Electric Motor Replacement Support" financial support program under the Business Development Support Program of KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development and Support Administration of Turkey).

As Adana OIZ, which is one of these 7 pilot OIZs and which has made more than 30 engine changes with 15 companies within the scope of the Tevmot project, we continue to accelerate the work within the scope of the Tevmot project and to provide efficient energy and engine support to our industrialists.

As the Energy Management Unit, within the scope of the TEVMOT Project, which is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and carried out under the responsibility of the General Directorate of Strategic Research and Productivity in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Technology and UNDP Turkey, energy efficiency improvement activities were carried out with the participation of 15 companies in AOSB, one of the 7 pilot OIZs, with 110 motor audits and more than 30 motor replacements.

As AOSB Project Support Office Energy Management Unit, we are always at your side with efficient energy, as in our slogan 'ALL SUPPORT FULL SUPPORT'.

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