+90 322 394 54 54

Service Guide


  • One Stop Office Services (Land Sales, Building Permits, GSM License)
  • Quality and Cheap Electricity
  • Natural Gas Distribution Service
  • Turkey's Cheapest Potable Water
  • Domestic and Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant
  • Fully completed infrastructure and superstructure
  • Police, Gendarmerie and Private Security Services
  • Easy Transportation by Air, Sea, Rail and Road
  • Joint Health and Safety Unit, Health Center, Fire Brigade, OSGB Ambulance, Garbage Collection and Landscaping Services
  • Bazaar Shopping Center established to meet the needs of businesses
  • PTT Kargo, Çukurova University Textile Laboratory, Banks and ATMs

Land Purchase from AOSB

The participant applies to the Board of Directors for land allocation with a petition containing the detailed subject of activity. If the land request is discussed and approved by the Board of Directors, the Land Sale Agreement is signed and the land is allocated to the participant.

Zoning and Construction Services

After the land allocation is made, the procedures to be followed by our industrialists are to obtain the zoning status certificate, application sketch and road elevation report of the allocated land from our Regional Directorate,

A ground survey report and plankot of the allocated land is prepared,

The EIA report is obtained from the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization according to the subject of activity of the enterprise planned to be established,

Architectural application, static-concrete reinforced concrete, mechanical, fire system and electrical projects are prepared and submitted for the approval of our Regional Directorate by ensuring that the architectural project taxpayer logs in via the https://uyds.yds.gov.tr address of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization,

Pursuant to the Building Inspection Law No. 4708, the building inspection company assigned to the project by the system makes a Building License Application to our Regional Directorate,

After the construction is completed, an application is made to our Regional Directorate to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy.

Obtaining GSM Workplace Opening and Operation License

Participants whose construction has been completed on the allocated parcel and who have received a certificate of occupancy permit, or participants whose parcel title deed transfer has taken place, or industrialists who want to start production by renting an existing industrial facility, must apply to our Regional Directorate within 30 (thirty) days by preparing the documents in the Workplace Opening and Operation License Application form.

Transfer of Title Deed to the Participant

If the facility completes the construction activities and obtains the Occupancy Permit Certificate and GSM Workplace Opening and Operation License, if there is a debt due to the land allocation, an in-limit bank guarantee letter is obtained in proportion to the amount of debt, and a notarized commitment letter stating that it will participate in other investments to be made for the OIZ without objection, specified in the OIZ Implementation Regulation, the title deed is given without placing a "Repurchase Strip".

Domestic Water Services

Documents required from companies with land in the region to become water subscribers;

  • Petition for request,
  • Building License,
  • Deposit fee (to be paid to the accounting office),

In the event that the seal of the water meter belonging to the company is broken, the water meter is damaged, the meter is dismantled, water is used without a meter or with an arrangement that will not operate the meter and the number is tampered with, the water fee of 6 times the average consumption of the subscriber's meter for the periods when the subscriber's meter is working correctly or, if there is no equivalent facility, is accrued and collected.

Electricity Services

The entrepreneur who wants electrical energy for investment in AOSB makes a written request to the Regional Directorate by specifying the installed power, tariff, address and purpose of activity. AOSB is authorized for project approval and temporary acceptance. The subscription process is carried out by our Regional Directorate.

The subscription process order is given below.

  1. Petition for request
  2. Proof of ownership (Title Deed or Lease Agreement)
  3. Building License
  4. Approved electrical project
  5. Provisional acceptance certificate
  6. Provide security deposit (Letter of Guarantee, Cash or DBS)
  7. Photocopy of identity card
  8. Tax Certificate, Authorization Certificate, Industrial Registry Certificate, Signature Circular, Workplace Opening and Operation Certificate, Articles of Association of the exhibitor or lessee will be brought.

After the participant or tenant completes all the documents, they will sign an Electricity Sales Contract at our Regional Directorate by selecting the tariff group and then they will be able to use energy. Tariffs determined by the 'AOSB Board of Directors' are applied to the subscriber. If the subscriber brings the Industrial Registry Certificate of the facility established in AOSB, the industrial tariff is applied.

Reagent Application Rates:

01.01.2008 tarihinden itibaren sistemden çekilen endüktif reaktif enerjinin aktif enerjiye oranı 0,20 (%20) ve sisteme verilen kapasitif reaktif enerjinin aktif enerjiye oranı 0,15 (%15) olarak uygulanmaktadır. Bunun için sanayicilerimizin kompanzasyon sistemlerinde; uygun kapasitede ve adımda kondansatör kullanmalı, parametreleri hassas ayarlanmış röle ile kontrol edilmeli ve her gün endeks alınarak bilgisayar ortamında takip etmeleri tavsiye edilmektedir.

Infrastructure Services

Supply of Potable Water

Before starting construction, the participant must consult with the Regional Directorate in order not to damage the infrastructure of the AOSB or the region. The participant is responsible for the failures that will occur as a result of actions taken without learning the location of the infrastructures. If the domestic water line passes in front of your parcel, the section where the pipeline corresponding to the main entrance passes will be enclosed in a (U) shaped reinforced concrete culvert. The top of the culvert will be arranged with iron or concrete grating to allow pipe repair. If the domestic water line does not pass in front of your parcel entrance, no action will be taken.

Supply of Waste Water Sewerage Needs

In all of the parcels in our region, 1 wastewater parcel connection has been left to the lowest elevation of the land on the undisturbed natural ground. It will be requested to show the wastewater sewage connection location by applying to the Infrastructure Directorate.

Wastewater parcel connections are made of 0-200 mm diameter pipes. Before your waste water is given to the parcel connection pipe, a reinforced concrete solid waste accumulation log with a size of 1.00mx1.00mx1.50m must be built. After the completion of these procedures, your waste water subscription will be deemed to be realized without any fee.

Rainwater from the roof of your industrial facility, storage areas, on-site roads, etc. will never be connected to our wastewater network.

Waste Water Treatment Services

Regulations and obligations regarding the connection of members with parcels within the boundaries of the Organized Industrial Zone to the common wastewater collection (sewage) systems and wastewater treatment facilities and the use of these facilities are determined in the "AOSB Wastewater Connection and Tariff Instructions" prepared based on the principles of the "Water Pollution Control Regulation" and the "Organized Industrial Zones Implementation Regulation".

The most important issues in this instruction are listed below.

  • The wastewater producer may discharge its wastewater to the infrastructure in accordance with the parameter values of "Water Pollution Control Regulation Table-25". For wastewater contrary to the relevant table, it is obliged to establish a pre-treatment plant and operate it in the most efficient way. Wastewater discharged in violation is subject to penalty.
  • The pollution of wastewater on sectoral basis and whether or not a pre-treatment plant is required should be shared with the relevant Waste Water Unit Directorate.
  • All wastewater should be connected to the AOSB infrastructure from the closest point, and sampling and control chimneys should be built before connection to the infrastructure.
  • Roof and other rainwater should be connected to storm drains and should never be connected to waste water lines.
  • Atık su deşarj debisi, (miktarı) firma ve kuruluşların temiz su kullanım miktarlarının %90' ı olarak kabul edilir. Bölgenin genel su şebekesi haricinden, başka kaynaklardan (kuyu, artezyen, taşıma ) temin edilerek kanalizasyon sistemine verilen sular için ayrıca sayaç takmak yükümlülüğü vardır.
  • Members who claim that they do not discharge all of the water they consume as wastewater must prove the accuracy of this situation and document it to our OIZ Regional Directorate. In this case, they are obliged to have a flow meter with a printer installed at their own expense to determine and determine the amount of wastewater discharged.
  • The company must designate an environmental officer during its activity and must be authorized for all environmental issues, including wastewater.
  • After the wastewater is connected to the wastewater infrastructure and rainwater is connected to the rain channels in accordance with the parameter values of "Water Pollution Control Regulation Table-25", the application for the Waste Water Discharge and Sewerage Connection Permit Certificate must be made to the relevant Unit Directorate.

What Our Industrialists Need to Do to Use Natural Gas;

  1. An application is made to the AOSB Directorate for "Capacity and Subscriber Connection Permit".
  2. It is obligatory to work with contractors who have received "Construction and Service Certificate" from EMRA and consultant companies designated by our Regional Directorate.
  3. The work starts following the approval letter of AOSB Regional Directorate.
  4. The "Start of Work File" prepared by the contractor and approved by the consultant is submitted to the AOSB Directorate.
  5. After the completion of the work, the Completion File is given to the consultant for approval. After the consultant is approved, it is given to the AOSB Directorate for approval.
  6. The commission consisting of AOSB natural gas authority, consultant, contractor and company official carries out the gas supply process. Contractor, consultant, employer and AOSB official sign the gas supply report.
  7. A "Natural Gas Subscription Agreement" is made between the AOSB Directorate and the industrialist. An indefinite letter of guarantee or cash collateral equal to the highest 2-month consumption amount reported is given to the Regional Directorate.
  8. After the gas is supplied, it is strictly forbidden for the subscriber to make changes in the installation or to draw additional lines without the knowledge of the AOSB Directorate. This situation constitutes illegal and irregular use.

Cleaning Services

The 400 L galvanized garbage container with AOSB written on it, which should be used for the uninterrupted execution of cleaning works throughout our region, can be purchased from our Regional Directorate. Domestic wastes in the containers are collected by closed garbage trucks, the wastes that do not fit in the containers will be filled in nylon bags with their mouths closed and then taken out and left in a place easily accessible by our work machines, the wastes that do not fit in nylon bags will be taken to the garbage collection area of our Regional Directorate by means of a tractor or other transportation to be provided by the company owner.

Fire Brigade Services

Our fire brigade unit, which was established to provide 24-hour fire brigade services to provide the first response to fires that may break out in our region, works in partnership with the Metropolitan Municipality Fire Department.

The "Fire Brigade Report", which is required within the business opening-operating license within the boundaries of AOSB, is given by our Regional Directorate as a result of the controls made.

AOSB Trade Center

Completed in 2015, our bazaar center offers high standards of service to industrialists within AOSB to facilitate their business life. The AOSB Trade Center, which includes notary services, cargo services and shopping opportunities, enables our industrialists to carry out their daily business within the zone, while at the same time providing entrepreneurs with the opportunity to develop their business ideas with the Cube Entrepreneurship Center.

Joint Health and Safety Unit

Treatment and care of patients coming from businesses and ambulance services are provided.

Yüreğir State Hospital AOSB District Polyclinic

Yüreğir State Hospital AOSB Neighborhood Polyclinic, which is located within our regional borders and has 24/7 Emergency Service, serves with 9 different branches.

Yüreğir State Hospital AOSB Neighborhood Polyclinic serves with Chest Diseases, Ophthalmology, Internal Medicine, Urology, Otorhinolaryngology, General Surgery, Radiology, Orthopedics and Pediatrics polyclinics.

Türk Telekom Telephone Services

Türk Telekom Power Plant has the capacity to serve 5500 subscribers with telecommunication lines and provides telephone, ADSL internet and data services.

PTT Service Office

It provides all postal, cargo and invoice collection services.

Conditions for Renting the Exhibitor's Facility

In order for the lease to go through;

  1. The title deed of the facility to be rented,
  2. The type change of the facility to be rented must have been made in the title deed,
  3. The participant has no overdue debts to the OIZ,
  4. Decision by the OIZ Board of Directors that the lease is in compliance with the procedures and principles within the framework of the legislation,

On lease

a) From the lessor;

  1. New dated title deed registration certificate,
  2. From legal entities, the decision of the board of directors or board of partners regarding the lease of the facility in question,
  3. Trade registry certificate,
  4. Example of a lease agreement to be made,
  5. If the facility is located in an industrial parcel, a declaration that the facility will be rented as a whole without creating an independent section.

b) From the tenant;

  1. Certificate of activity certified by the trade registry office,
  2. The decision of the board of directors or board of partners regarding the lease of the facility in question from legal entities,
  3. Signature circular of company officials,
  4. Information and documents describing the activity to be carried out,
  5. Information form prepared by the OIZ and signed by the company officials showing the electricity, water, natural gas, number of employees, wastes and waste characteristics etc. of the facility to be established,
  6. Example of a lease agreement to be made,
  7. A notarized letter of undertaking is required that the activities will be carried out in accordance with the OIZ legislation and OIZ internal instructions and agreements. No services, including electricity, water and natural gas, shall be provided to facilities allocated to the use of third parties without the approval of the OIZ. Lessees are also responsible for the obligations imposed on participants by the Law and Regulation regarding the operation of industrial facilities.

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+90 322 394 54 54
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