+90 322 394 54 54

Information Security Policy

Adana Hacı Sabancı Organized Industrial Zone Regional Directorate Information Security, corporate reputation, reliability, protection of information assets, basic and supporting business activities to continue with the least possible interruption,

  • To protect the information assets that the organization processes, maintains and shares with other organizations according to the principles of confidentiality, integrity and accessibility,
  • To manage information assets, to determine the security values, needs and risks of assets, to develop and continuously improve the management system established to implement controls for security risks,
  • To identify continuous improvement needs and opportunities by evaluating the risks arising from the activities in accordance with the vision and mission of the organization,
  • To keep up with technological developments and changes in the context of the scope of service provided, to follow and make improvements,
  • Ensure business continuity by reducing the impact of information security risks,
  • To comply with national and international regulations to which it is subject, legal and relevant legislation requirements, obligations arising from agreements, and corporate responsibilities towards internal and external stakeholders,
  • To have the competence to quickly intervene in information security incidents that may occur and to minimize the impact of the incident,
  • Maintain and improve the level of information security over time with a cost-effective control infrastructure,
  • To improve the reputation of the organization and protect it from negative effects based on information security,
  • To maintain personal information within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data,
  • It aims to carry out trainings that will improve the information security awareness and competencies of its employees, and to be an exemplary organization in the sector in integration with other management systems by providing the necessary support.

Each employee of Adana Hacı Sabancı Organized Industrial Zone Regional Directorate is responsible for contributing to these goals.

Adana Hacı Sabancı Organized Industrial Zone Regional Directorate undertakes to continuously improve, develop and review the Information Security Management System.

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+90 322 394 54 54
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