+90 322 394 54 54

ISO 9001 2015 Quality Management System

ISO 9001 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for organizations' quality management systems. It provides a framework for meeting business expectations, increasing the effectiveness of processes and continuously improving product/service quality.

Why ISO 9001?

  • Business Satisfaction: ISO 9001 offers a systematic approach to better understand our companies' needs and exceed their expectations.
  • Continuous Improvement: The quality management system creates a culture of continuous review and improvement of processes.

Contributions of ISO 9001 to AOSB Directorate

  1. Increased Reliability: Our certification proves the quality commitment and reliability of our businesses in the region.
  2. Team Collaboration: It creates a structure that strengthens communication among our employees and reinforces the culture of working towards common goals.
  3. Efficiency and Effectiveness: Thanks to the systematic management of processes, it provides a more efficient working environment by reducing errors.
  4. Enhanced Image: ISO 9001 certification strengthens our image both locally and internationally and reinforces our relationships with our business partners.

ISO 9001 certification is not only a document for the AOSB Directorate, but also a commitment to a quality-oriented approach and the goal of continuous improvement. By aiming to increase company satisfaction and sectoral competitiveness, we aim to consolidate our future success.

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